Common issue for drEEM 0.6.x with older Matlab
by Urban
When using eemreview
(v0.5 or older) with Matlab R2018b (or older), you may come across this string of error messages when hitting the “spectra” button:
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error in ginput>setupFcn (line 221)
initialState.toolbarVisible{1} = tb.Visible;
Error in ginput (line 60)
initialState = setupFcn(fig);
Error in eemreview>init_exemmview (line 362)
Error using uiwait (line 81)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
This error originates in a Matlab-internal function that produces the error and we have therefore no control over fixing the issue. But there is good news – it is only an issue for older Matlab versions. When we verify a release of the drEEM toolbox, we use the latest Matlab version at the time. The issue above is solved with a Matlab update to the latest version. We highly recommend updating Matlab regularly, especially when switching to a newer version of drEEM.
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