The drEEM toolbox (decomposition routines for Excitation Emission Matrices) has been developed to support and extend the application of PARAFAC to fluorescence Excitation Emission Matrix (EEM) datasets.

The toolbox contains numerous MATLAB functions for importing, assembling and exporting datasets, applying spectral corrections, visualising EEMs, detecting sample outliers, and developing and validating PARAFAC models.

The drEEM software was initially released in conjunction an article in Analytical Methods, published as part of a Special Issue (web collection) on the topic of Tutorials in Advanced Data Analysis. Since the initial release (v0.1.0), the project team constantly improves existing functions and adds new features.


  • Go to In the top right corner of the website, click on “Download latest” and follow the instructions to download.
  • Alternative: In Matlab, click on the HOME tab, then find “Addons” to open the Addon Explorer and search for “drEEM toolbox”
  • Either way, you download an .mlapp file. Run it and follow the GUI instructions to “Download & install” the toolbox. Done.

You should see the drEEM toolbox in the list of installed products when calling ver and be able to access the drEEM documentation by typing doc dreem.


Refer to the documentation to get started. Type doc dreem

Further reading (peer-reviewed publications)

Further watching

Questions, comments , suggestions?

Version history

  • 0.6.0 : August 2020: Sixth release
  • 0.5.0 : April 2019 : Fifth Release (Urban J. Wünsch & Kathleen Murphy)
  • 0.4.0 : June 2017 : Fourth Release (Kathleen Murphy)
  • 0.2.0 : June 2014 : Second Release (Kathleen Murphy)
  • 0.1.0 : Sept 2013 : Initial release (Kathleen Murphy)